The first AI-powered
contract collaboration platform

Where deals get done Up To 10X Faster

The End of ‘No AI’ Clauses in Clinical Research Agreements: Why Resistance is Both Futile and Counterproductive

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Global Law Firm Bortstein Legal Group Launches an AI-Powered Privacy Contracting Solution in Collaboration with The Contract Network

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Contracts for Cures: Streamlining Clinical Trial Agreements to Save Time and Lives

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All parties. One place.

Collaborate and close faster with The Contract Network.

Changing contracts for good.TM

Collaborate and close

One platform for everyone.

Contracts, by definition, are collaborative – every stakeholder working to achieve the common goal of creating a relationship. But negotiations rarely feel that way. The Contract Network’s AI powered contract collaboration software platform breaks down silos of “endless emails” and “redline ruts,” radically accelerating negotiation and delivering a better outcome for everyone involved.

AI acceleration for everyone

Get to the point.

Most executives will tell you that every contract negotiation comes down to the same 5 issues. They’ll also tell you it takes too long to get there. The Contract Network insights – using generative AI, market data, and most importantly, your historical decisions – help everyone break down barriers and get to the point.

Empowering advisors

Enabling advisors to lead the way.

Empowering advisors to lead the way with streamlined deal-making. The Contract Network allows advisors to initiate transactions on behalf of clients, streamline processes, and deliver better outcomes. Build valuable practices and manage engagements more effectively and efficiently with us. Our experts are available to provide additional consultation to support advisors in managing these transactions.

Data from the first draft

Contracts aren’t art. They’re valuable business assets … and we make sure of that.

With our Metagreement™ software, every critical compliance point – commercial terms, deadlines, deliverables, and other critical obligations – is captured natively from the first draft and, uniquely, made available to both you and your counterparties throughout the life of your relationship for efficient collaboration.

Simplify compliance

Email ≠ contract compliance strategy.

Most contract compliance takes place in strings of endless email chains – a place where things easily get lost or missed. With The Contract Network, say goodbye to email as a single source of truth, and hello to a simple and secure collaboration platform that will keep you and your counterparties on track with deadlines and compliance obligations.

Secure and neutral

We don’t take sides and we don’t share secrets.

At the Contract Network, security and neutrality are paramount. We prioritize your safety and ensure a level playing field for all. Your preferences and decision-making processes remain completely confidential, guaranteeing a fair and unbiased experience.